liberty osteopaths liberty osteopaths

Liberty Osteopaths

It is important to know as much about the person who has the pain as it is to know about the pain the person has.

Liberty Osteopaths

As Osteopaths we are most known for treating lower back and neck injuries; however at Liberty Osteopaths we also treat sports injuries, knee and other peripheral joint complaints at our clinic.

We use gentle massage, manipulation and traction techniques to reduce your pain and restore functioning to injured areas.

We address spinal injuries from a multi-faceted approach; we feel this is the best way to achieve an optimum long term outcome for the patient. Spinal injuries are usually a combination of physical injury, family and environmental pre-disposition and stress factors.

We are registered with private healthcare providers including AXA and Bupa. Patients wanting to claim under private health insurance must provide their membership number, an authorisation code from the health insurance company, and confirm their policy excess.

The Liberty Clinic

394 Romford Road,
Forest Gate,
London E7 8DF
Tel: 020 8552 6063

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A Site for Sore Shoulders

Microscopic muscle tears and strains are a normal response to heavy exercise. These minor ‘injuries’ don’t usually present any problems since the trainer is rarely aware of them, acknowledging only a passing soreness a few days after a workout.

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Sciatica is commonly used to describe lower back and leg pain while true sciatica extends down the back or posterior aspect of the thigh and can extend beyond the knee, through the lower leg and foot. The sciatic nerve is the large nerve which comes out from the lower part of the spine. It takes branches from the part of the spinal cord which is surrounded by the lower spinal vertebrae, the lumbar vertebrae.

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Anabolic Steroids, Injuries and Weight Training

Historically, anabolic steroids were first used in weight training in the 1950s and 1960s although their application was confined to serious or elite athletes. The recreational or casual use of these training aids has become increasingly prevalent in the less hard-core or fitness gyms.

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Knees Up

Anyone who engages in regular leg training (that is, two or three times a week) may at some time suffer with the condition – chondromalacia patellae.

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